Ready for Forever

The prompt for #WOW555 this week deals with the timeless nature of death and I took a far different tack than I normally take. This week, I wrote about a condemned prisoner getting ready to die. He has become comfortable with the inevitable nature of death and finds humor that others don’t. I also used poetry as the way to convey it – even though it’s non-rhyming…

Ready for Forever

Staring at the wall

Gray, flat, boring.

I sit on my bed and wonder

“Is there anything more?”


Some never know

Some see him come

“Which would be better”

I thought with a smile


“How could we compare?”

And then I frowned and pondered

“What if there’s a place to do that?”

I started laughing


Lightly at first

But then enough to annoy

And the guards came running

To see what I had done


They saw me with a silly smile

And scowled at me.

“Hey boy! Whatcha doin there?”

“Just thinkin’”


They wouldn’t understand

They couldn’t see him like I could

They would be surprised

I’d be seeing him soon.


I didn’t fear him anymore

I was at peace

Funny that I would be

And they would be so troubled.


It’s funny how


Makes it easier to accept

While ignorance breeds fear


“Then stop the laughing!”

They broke into my thoughts

I turned to them and smiled

They recoiled as if in danger


“I know,” I said

“I’m meeting death tonight.

While you have no clue

When you will too.”


Death takes all

He is not biased

No matter the color

No matter how good or bad


I would soon have

My “cocktail”

And be introduced

Face to face


I wonder if

I’ll slip away

And be welcome

At the party forever